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How to Narrow Down Your School Selection in Dubai: 14 Questions to Ask

So, you’re thinking about sending your children to school in Dubai? That’s great!

But first, you’ll need to do a lot of research before you send them to a United Arab Emirates (UAE) institution. After all, the decision you’re about to make will affect their future.

When choosing a GEMS school in the UAE, you must ensure that your children get the best education. Aside from that, you must also look for a place where they feel safe, comfortable, and supported.

This article lists 14 questions you can ask yourself, your children, and the schools you’re considering to help simplify your decision-making process.

Best Schools in Dubai - How to Choose in 2022?

Questions to Ask Yourself and Your Children

Before you do your rounds of school interviews, you must first determine what you and your children wish to get from the educational institution. To do that, you need to answer the following questions:


1.   What do I consider an ideal school?

Everyone has an ideal school, and, often, they’re different for each individual. In other words, what works for one family may not work for yours.

To determine your ideal school, you need to think about your priorities.

Are you after a specific curriculum? Or perhaps your child is more interested in certain subjects and extracurricular activities?

Besides academics and after-school tasks, you may also consider the school’s location, its proximity to your home, and the overall safety of your child. And then, there’s the tuition and other fees.


2.   What are your child’s interests?

The choice of school is up to you as the student’s parent. However, you must still take into account your child’s interests.

Your children may be exceptionally talented in sports. If they want to pursue it as an extracurricular activity, they may benefit from enrolling in institutions with excellent athletic programs.

Who knows? You may even come across scholarships related to the activity your child is passionate about.


3.   What does your child want out of school?

Sometimes, students have difficulty fitting in, especially when attending a school in a foreign neighbourhood.

To help them ease into the transition, always ask your children directly about what they want from a school. Doing this will open conversations that could potentially make your decision easier.


4.   What does your child like best about being at school?

Children need a well-rounded academic schedule as much as adults need a better work-life balance.

Students who are happy in the school they’re enrolled in have a higher chance of succeeding. In fact, many kids attend their classes enthusiastically because they enjoy their classes.

If you know what your child enjoys inside the classroom, you’ll be able to select a school that can offer that and more.


Questions to Ask Schools

Once you’ve pinpointed your criteria for choosing a school for your children, the next step is interviewing school representatives to determine which institution fits them best.

Here are some questions you can ask to get started:


5.   What type of curriculum do you follow?

UAE schools follow different curricula, including British, American, Cambridge, Indian, and International Baccalaureate (IB). These follow a specific framework that differs from one another in certain aspects.

Compare all these to your criteria, and you should be able to find the perfect fit for your children.


6.   What modes of learning do you offer?

In-person learning has its advantages, but sometimes, it’s just not possible to uproot your entire family just so one of your kids can get the best possible education.

This is where distance learning comes into play.

Distance learning peaked during the pandemic and has become a highly sought-after option for foreign learners. This is because programs like the GEMS e-Learning system offer a way for international students to access learning materials and courses that are not readily available in their home country.


7.   What is the teacher-to-student ratio for each class?

The teacher-to-student ratio is a major factor in how well instructors can monitor each child’s progress and help them perform their best at school.


8.   Are the teachers and staff trained in the curriculum and mode of learning currently implemented in the school?

Don’t stop inquiring after learning what educational framework and mode of learning the school is following. How well they are implemented also matters.


9.   How frequently do teachers leave?

It’s also important to determine the turnover rate of the teachers in the institution, as changes may disrupt your child’s learning.


10.                 How does the school use technology to support teaching and learning?

In this modern era, technology should always be integrated into educational programs. Ask the state of the school in this area and see whether they are able to optimise your child’s learning through computers and other innovations.


11.                 How does the school approach homework?

Ask how the educational institution approaches homework to ensure your child can get the most out of it.

Homework serves as a follow-up for what children learn in school. It is most effective when:

       It provides clear instructions for children.

       It can be completed successfully.

       It is concise and can be completed within a flexible timeframe.

       It requires information materials that are readily available to the students.


12.                 How does the school nurture creativity?

Check how arts and humanities fit into the school’s curriculum.

Some schools also have a choir or orchestra, art classes, and school productions that can prove beneficial for skilful students who want to hone their creativity and talent.


13.                 What kind of social life does the school offer?

Make sure you determine how well the school tracks and handles student behaviour, as this can impact how well your child can adjust to the new place.

Take into account the instances of bullying and other peer-related interactions as well. The type of social life the school offers can also affect your child’s enthusiasm for learning.


14.                 Does the school have special programs or activities that support learning disabilities?

If any of your children have special needs, never forget to check the additional support or special education programs offered at the school. This will help you determine how well the institution can accommodate your child’s learning requirements.


Make an Informed Decision

You can shape your children’s future with the choices you make today. Because of this, you need to ask the right questions to make an informed decision when picking a school for them.


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