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Oily Food: It is very unfortunate to eat too much oily food .. It is safe to follow these tips ..!

 Oily Food: We often eat oily food. After that we will regret why we ate such food. It is better to stay away from junk food and over fried foods. It is better to follow some tips when eating something like this. This will help you to avoid the harmful effects of oily food. Relieves stomach ache, bloating and many other problems. 

After Eating  Deep Fried Food - Remedies need to take

Drinking lukewarm water in the morning when oily food is consumed in large quantities activates the digestive system. It helps in breaking down nutrients. Does not cause any problems in digestion. Fruits and vegetables make up for the deficiency of vitamins, fiber and minerals in the body. Eat fruits with seeds in the morning for breakfast. Plan meals in advance. This will prevent you from eating junk food. Make sure you have a healthy, nutritious breakfast in the morning. Include vegetables and whole grains in the diet.

There is a benefit to taking a detox drink after eating any oily food. Toxic substances come out. Drink lemon juice with water. It helps in reducing body fat. Eating a cup of yogurt after eating oily food is very relieving. On the other hand fried foods should be avoided with cold items after eating too much. It damages the liver and intestines. Oily food is not so easy to digest. Later cold food becomes more difficult to digest. Walk for a while after eating oily food. It helps to lose weight. Helps in proper digestion.

Note: Studies .. Recommendations from health experts .. These details are provided as per other health related reports. This article is just for your understanding. It is a good idea to consult a doctor before making decisions about health issues.

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