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Google Update Alert : All About "People-first content." - Check it Out More details

Yesterday, Google officially announced that Helpful Content Update is planned to roll out in the next two weeks.

Google Update Alert - People - first Content

The Objective of the update is "people-first content." This update is a kind of end to "content by people for people in search" and ensures the user gets the original, helpful content by people (not an AI tool).

With the helpful content update, content that meets visitors' expectations will be better rewarded, while content that doesn't meet visitors' expectations won't.

Search engine programs automatically identify content with low value or low-added value that is not particularly informative.

By this, Google will remove all the unhelpful content from its index database and promote only helpful content of any website to appear in SERP.

For this update, Google uses a classifier (automated by machine learning) that continuously monitors both newly launched and existing sites. The classification will no longer apply if the unhelpful content has not been returned.

In the initial phase of the update, a few unhelpful contents might rank, as it takes time to cover all the web pages by identifying the user performance in a page using various signals.

But, I recommend you remove unhelpful content (that is not originally helpful) from users by following Google webmaster guidelines.

This update will impact English-based websites initially and might have its role in other languages too.

Let's wait for another 2 weeks and see how this update impact web pages across the globe.

Do comment if you have something to discuss, and share if you find it informative.

Author: Ashkar Gomez (Linked in)

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