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Best Speed Cleaning Tips Everyone Needs to Know -Hire a Home cleaners in Dubai

 “A clean home is a happy home.”

Everyone wants a clean home but without doing much effort. Cleaning does not need to be an all-day-long activity, nor to be a week-long chore. Believe me or not, house cleaning is not a chore if you know some tips and tricks. It can be fun, fast, and easy if you follow these tips which will save you energy, time, and money.

Cleaning Services Dubai

Clear the Clutter

Before you start the cleaning, try to clear the clutter from all the rooms. Pick up all the things like newspapers, magazines, books, old sneakers, etc., and keep them in proper cabinets if needed. But if you don’t need them anymore, donate them or waste them.

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Combine all Your Cleaning Tools in a Bucket

To clean quickly, you need to keep your cleaning products and tools together in one place. Gather all your cleaning tools in a bucket, tote, or caddy. It will help you a lot and will make your cleaning job a lot easier. By having an organized basket, you would not waste your time looking for cleaning tools while you clean. For this purpose, you can use caddies (cleaning baskets) that can help you to stay organized and you can carry them easily anywhere in your home.

Clean as You Go

One of the best tips for a clean and tidy home is to clean as you go. Make it a habit to put things away where they belong, it will save you a lot of time. Whenever you see a mess, immediately pick it up; don’t wait for a big mess. Taking more care of cleaning as you go will encourage and motivate you to do more deep cleaning your place.

Wipe Mirrors and Glass

For a clean and tidy home, don’t forget to clean your mirrors and window glasses. You can use a solution of water and distilled white vinegar and fill a spray bottle. Spray this solution onto the mirror or glass and wipe it with a microfiber cloth. 

Disinfect Countertops and Surfaces

Go through your home and wipe down all the hard surfaces such as countertops, cabinets, appliances, switches, doorknobs, keyboards, remotes, etc. You would be amazed by how much bacteria and germs live on these surfaces. So, try to disinfect them from time to time to avoid an unhealthy lifestyle. You can make an all-purpose cleaner by mixing 4 tablespoons baking soda or distilled white vinegar and one cup of warm water into a spray bottle. 

Focus on Sinks, Tubs, and Toilets

For a shiny and sparkling home, focus on sinks, tubs, and toilets as well. Spray commercial cleaner on all the sinks, tubs, and toilets. For better results, let the spray sit for few minutes because the cleaner takes some time to dissolve stains and dirt. Start scrubbing from the kitchen and clean toilets last. 

Dust and Vacuum

Before starting the dusting, make sure that ceiling fans are turned off. Do dusting with a microfiber cloth, start with a dry cloth to remove any dirt and debris. After dry cloth, use a wet cloth to better clean the surfaces. When you finish dusting, vacuum the rooms.

Sweep and Mop

Sweep and mop all the floors to get rid of dirt, grime, and dust. Before starting sweeping and moping, clear the areas so that your time could save from removing unnecessary things from floors. 

Clean your Cleaning Tools

The things and tools which clean your house need cleaning as well. According to Heba Noureldine, a home cleaning expert with, points out “Using a vacuum with full bag, dirty mop or dirty dusting cloth is less effective and you will end up spending more time cleaning”. Wash your dusting cloths regularly, clean vacuum, and don’t forget to wash the washing machine as well.

Freshen up Your Microwave

Microwave is the most used appliance in the kitchen which often forgets to clean. Food debris, grime, and grease easily build up in the microwave which becomes harder if not cleaned on time. For a quick microwave cleaning, take a microwave-safe bowl, fill it with water and three tablespoons of vinegar, and place this bowl inside the microwave. Turn on the microwave for five minutes. Don’t open the microwave for another 10 minutes so the grime and grease softened. Then carefully remove the cup. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe down the microwave.

Fill Dishwasher but Not with Dishes

You can not only use your dishwasher to clean your dishes but you can use it for other things as well. Non-electrical plastic toys, toothbrush holders, makeup brushes, showerheads are just a few of the things that can get cleaned by using the dishwasher.   

Make Cleaning a Group Activity

To clean your home speedily, try to make cleaning a group activity. Schedule time and assign duties to each person with your family in advance. It will add fun to your cleaning and your home will be sparkling in no time.

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