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International Conference on Theatre Design, Set and Scenic Production | Event Date | Location

International Conference on Theatre Design, Set and Scenic Production
The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives

 The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing a varied range of scholarly activities together for presentation as part of the conference agenda. The conference's events will take place over a period of time determined by the quantity and length of the presentations. It delivers an amazing value for students, scholars, and industry researchers due to its high quality.

The International Conference on Theatre Design, Set, and Scenic Production aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars from around the world to exchange and share their experiences and research findings on all aspects of Theatre Design, Set, and Scenic Production. Additionally, it serves as a prominent multidisciplinary forum for scholars, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss cutting-edge innovations, trends, and concerns, as well as practical issues and solutions encountered in the domains of Theatre Design, Set and Scenic Production.

Calling for Contributions

Prospective writers are invited to participate to and shape the conference by submitting research abstracts, papers, and electronic posters. Additionally, high-quality research submissions outlining novel and unpublished results of conceptual, creative, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all fields of Theatre Design, Set, and Scenic Production are invited to be presented at the conference. The conference invites abstracts, papers, and e-posters that address the conference's themes and topics, as well as figures, tables, and references to fresh research materials.

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Event Date: 18-19 October 2021 

Location: -Digital Program consists of the e-proceedings book which is available online-only and includes the conference communications (proceedings abstracts and papers). Registered participants can access the digitally available conference proceedings ( and certificates ) by visiting their profile pages.

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