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Conventional Al Marmoom Heritage Festival

 Al Marmoom Heritage Festival

The festival is held in the middle of spring and traditionally gathers many guests due to a number of activities that observe customs and Emirate culture and entertainment. A few of the guests come here to see the camel races, while others are drawn by the opportunity to have a great time with their families and immerse themselves in the world of Arabic customs.

Guests of this festival will be able to enjoy live performances of dancers and musicians, participate in the creation of sand sculptures, explore an exhibition of Dubai Police's supercars, learn more about the cultural traditions of the Emirates, too there is a whole program of art and handicraft for kids.

Organized by: Dubai Camel Racing Club
Venue: Al Marmoom Heritage Village
Ticket price: Free
Admission: 06:30 AM -- 04:00 PM

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