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Would you prefer to work for a SME or a large enterprise? - Q2: by Kishore Rangarajan

 Should you go deep or broad?

That is the question that many job seekers have.

Should you specialize in a subject or pick up information about a broad variety of subjects.

The answer is: you should do neither.

SMES or Large Enterprises Which place you would like to start

Instead, you need to look at your strengths. (tip: look at the trophies and certificates in your living room. Most probably you showed your skills in school and college and that is your true strength)

Now, decide what kind of company you want to work for.

Do you want to work for an SME where multiple skills are required.

Or do you want to work with a larger enterprise where specialized skills are prized?

Now, you have a clear map for your way forward.

If you still feel confused, better to take a piece of paper and do a SWOT analysis about your strengths and weaknesses.

A clearer picture will emerge.

Remember, its easy to blame the market, blame the economy, blame the lack of opportunity and blame everyone but that will get you no where.

You get what you seek. If you seek opportunities there are ample out there waiting for you but it won't fall into your lap without any effort.

Take some effort. Plot your own strengths. Put down your thoughts and you will see doors opening.

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