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Burn Slim Tablet | Aim Global Dubai | Where to buy in Dubai | Benefits

Burn slim Tablets - Dubai  

This supplement suppresses appetite, boosts metabolism, and burns fat. As of today, it is the most popular and effective weight loss supplement available.

The Burn Slim Tablet suppresses appetite, increases body metabolism, and aids in fat loss.

This proprietary blend contains the following ingredients:

  • Hydroxycitric Acid (60%) in Garcinia Cambogia Extract
  • 50% Catechin in Green Tea Extract
  • CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)
  •  L-Carnitin, the active ingredient found in white kidney bean extract
Burn Slim Tablets - Dubai

Where to Buy Burn Slim in Dubai

Order Online: Burn Slim - Buy Now

Order via Whatsapp : +971567778191

Burn Slim Tablets - How to use 

Take 1-2 tablets 30 minutes before meals. Taken once or twice daily.

Burn Slim Tablets - Weight Loss Ingredients

All of the important ingredients that support Fat Burning and Weight Loss Management are included in this supplement.

Garcinia Cambodia
Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), the active ingredient in the fruit's rind, has been found to accelerate fat burning and reduce appetite. Furthermore, it increases levels of the brain chemical serotonin, which can lead to a reduction in appetite. Additionally, it helps to maintain healthy levels of blood sugar and cholesterol.

Green Tea Extract
As EGCG and caffeine are both present in green tea extract, together they act to boost metabolism, curb appetite, and stimulate fat metabolism. The ingredient is also a powerful anti-aging antioxidant that has been demonstrated to prevent cell and DNA damage caused by free radicals.

White Kidney Bean Extract
It is believed that they act in a "starch-blocking" capacity by preventing the enzyme amylase from digesting carbohydrates, which otherwise turns starch into sugar.

L- Carnitrine
Studies have shown that L-carnitine can enhance exercise performance and increase fat burning. As a fat burner and antioxidant, it increases endurance, enhances weight loss, prevents muscle damage, promotes fat burning, increases brain function, and regulates blood sugar.

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